About Us

PEYTALS is the mutual digital media community platform where the Customers and the Advertisers meet to interact and exchange profitable values.

PEYTALS is an advertisement launch and viewing platform. Advertisers launch their Advertising Campaigns to genuine and authentic Customers whose primary purpose on this platform is to view and interact with all Advertisements.

Happy Customers

At PEYTALS, Customers are voluntarily registered with their demographic and psychographic details. These details are a good source of information and data for Advertisers to plan, strategize, and launch winning Advertising campaigns.

When advertisers finally launch their campaign, customers will voluntarily and happily proceed to interact with the ads using the innovative "Interactive Dynamos."

In return for the works of the Customers, they get rewarded instantly in real time with PEYTALS, which can later be converted into instant withdrawable cash or any other gift items.

Happy Advertisers

Advertisers' happiness is not when over 89% of the targeted audience skips its ad.

Advertisers' happiness is not when millions of views are recorded, and not up to 5% have a moderate idea about what they viewed.

Advertisers' happiness is not when Customers are pressured, disrespected, and, in most cases, have their personal hours interrupted just to view Advertisers' ads.

Advertisers' happiness is not when they cannot get the real value for money or investment in terms of being unable to actualize their core marketing priorities and objectives in real-time and after time.

Advertisers' happiness is not when its ad has to struggle and compete with over a thousand Ads simultaneously to a single audience.

Advertisers' happiness is not when Advertisers have lost empathy and do not regard and respect customers' personal decisions and timeliness in viewing ads.

Advertisers' happiness is not when they cannot record expected sales of return after a campaign and still cannot recover the used budget.

In all these and more, advertisers lose brand affinity, consumer security, future confidence, and consumer loyalty.

This is what a Happy Advertiser looks like

A happy Advertiser launches its ad to a real and verifiable audience with the right lifestyle that syncs with its product or brand.

A happy Advertiser gets the perfect attention and cooperation of its audience in real-time and after time, having them answer questions about its Ads and getting real-time feedback. This is the best product knowledge mechanics ever.

A happy Advertiser can gauge and manage its marketing budget according to its marketing priorities. For example, it channels its budget to sales if it wants sales. And guess what? If expected sales are not achieved, its equivalent budget remains. Yes! It remains or is restored.

A happy Advertiser does not just get great views; it gets excellent interaction and engagement. Through our unique, innovative "Interactive Dynamos," your audience can do a lot with your ads and even play a game with your ad. Can you believe that?

A happy Advertiser is one who has verifiable contacts of all the audience that interacted with its ad. It can drive product knowledge, sales, and referrals by sending SMS, email, and WhatsApp messages and even calling them directly.

A happy Advertiser gets real value for money as it can achieve its expected marketing objectives according to priorities.

A happy Advertiser desires to know the activity and performance of its ADs in real-time so it can analyze the ad performance against its ad objectives and replan if needed.

A happy Advertiser can achieve an immediate download of its app or drive online registration in real-time. If its advertising campaign priority is to achieve the aforementioned, it gets 100% and will be charged according to the downloads. This means that if it doesn't get the expected number of downloads it needs at that time, its marketing remains until it receives the downloads or checks out with its remaining funds.

PEYTALS is the happy place for Brands.